All4Pets has helped Leo with well needed surgery.
Janet is s senior citizen living on a fixed Social Security income. Janet has owned Leo for over 4 yrs now and is her constant companion.
Dog's name is Leo, a 7-year old cocker that she took in from an old lady who couldn't care for him anymore. She said the lady cried and cried when she took him, and that he is an excellent dog, loving and well trained and the best companion a person could have.
She gets him groomed regularly, and the groomer noticed a growth on his foot. She advised Mrs. Ford to go to the vet, which she did. Vet did a biopsy and found out that
Leo has a tumor in the left paw, and it is growing rapidly, tripling in size in a short time. The vet said the tumor and toe must come out ASAP. Abnormal cells were found in the biopsy, but not sure if they are malignant.

My 14 week old kitten Minnie is just absolutely adorable!
The day I brought her home, my boyfriend and I were instantly attached. She is the happiest little kitten I have ever seen! About 99% of the time she purrs, especially when someone talks to her, pets her, or even when she is just playing with her toys! We could not be happier with Minnie.
Minnie, like all kittens, is very playful and gets into pretty much everything. A few weeks ago, she got into some cords near the computer and bit one. Unfortunately, she was shocked from the cord and her little body hit the wall! It was so painful to see this happen to her, especially since she is still so small! When Minnie went to the vet, I was told she fractured her right hip and must have surgery as soon as possible. They told me she was lucky to be alive! Minnie was unable to walk on her back right leg and the vet said that if she is not operated on, she will not use her right leg again. Of course, this was something I had to do right away because she was also in a great deal of pain! The only problem was that the surgery was going to cost a lot of money. I was unsure of what to do because I am a college student only working part time. I do not live at home anymore so it was a very difficult situation for me with the regular bills I must pay. Luckily, my dad knew someone who heard about All 4 Pets.
When I contacted them for help on Minnie's payment for her surgery they were extremely helpful! All 4 pets was able to pay for half of the surgery, and without their help I would not have been able to afford it! I am so appreciative and thankful for All 4 pets!! They saved Minnie, and now she can walk on her leg again! Thank you so much for saving my kitty! Natalie

Riley is home and doing well.... It will be a long road ahead of us but I committed to helping this animal regain his once active lifestyle. He now needs to learn how to walk with his 2 heavy casts. His spirits are up and as usual he's yet to miss a meal/treat. This animal is loved some much by anyone he meets. While most pet owners will tell you about how cute there animal is.... I've yet to take him to a place where he didn't immediately become the center of attention. His demeanor is perfect. He's good with kids, adults and all other dogs. He's also a watch dog who protects my home even with his 2 broken legs. He's always at the door when I walk in the door ready to play and greet me. He means the world to me. When he became sick/injured there were some sleepless nights..... those seem to be in the past at this point. Were moving forward and are both excited about the future. We have numerous follow up appointments in the next 2 months but the outcome looks good.
Thanks so much for the support - I can't thank you enough.
The help was truly tremendous.....
All the best
Cory McAllister

Fluffy is doing great. We owe a lot to your organization. Fluffy was born July 2007 and is a Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix. He was a birthday gift for my son and daughter. They always wanted a dog. Well, as it turns out, dad is the one who ends up taking care of the pets. Fluffy wakes with me every morning, sleeps in my bedroom by my side of the bed. He'll play with everyone but when bedtime comes, he comes with dad.
He's part of the family to the point when I tell one of the kids to get him I say 'go get your brother" and everyone else says "fluffy, go to daddy!"
His injuries were a broken leg and because the break was so close to the lower hind joint, we were looking at the possibilities of leg amputation or putting him down. The doctors decided to operate and the injury was such that it necessitated a three hour operation to implant steel rods in his leg. I won't go into figures, let's just say it was well over $1500. That's where your organization came in to help and truthfully, without your assistance, there was an 80% chance of putting him to sleep. If you look closely at the picture, you can see the steel brace still attached to the bone from the outside going in!!!
Teachers don't get paid during summer and when budgeting for the summer break, one of the things I didn't say was "Oh, let me set aside some money in case Fluffy gets hit by a car!" Once again, thanks for your assistance. It came in the nick of time.

"Early this year, my sister found a female golden retriever mix wandering along the side of Route 104 near Wolcott. It was freezing out and the dog looked tired and hungry, so she brought the dog home. We spent the next few weeks searching for owner of the dog, who we named Kaylee, but no one claimed her. Why anyone wouldn't want her is beyond me -- Kaylee turned out to be one of the sweetest, best behaved dogs I have ever known. After a month and no owner had appeared, we decided Kaylee was going to stay with us for good. She seemed to have decided this too.
I took her to the vet for a checkup, since I had no idea how long it had been since she had been, if ever, and discovered that Kaylee had a very severe heartworm infestation, likely picked up when was lost before we found her. Unfortunately, the treatment for heartworms is very expensive, far more than I could afford. I was determined to take care of Kaylee one way or another. I called the human society in the hopes they would be able to perform the procedure, but they wouldn't unless I turned Kaylee over to them. That wasn't going to happen, by now, Kaylee was a member of my family. She had lost her last family, whoever they might be, and I wasn't going to let that happen again.
That's when I stumbled across All4pets, a local organization that helps pay for vet bills for pet owners who can't afford it. I explained my situation and all4pets took care of the rest. Thanks to them, Kaylee is happy and healthy now. They saved her life when I was unable to, and for that, Kaylee and I are both grateful."

Hi folks, Just an update on Sassy...
Her surgery went well. She is recovering just fine her nick name now is "snaggle puss" she has a little fat lip, Here is a photo, her sutures come out next week...The Dr. thinks he got all of the tumor. It was a stage two cancer there is a 15% chance of coming back but they think they caught it soon enough.
Thanks so verry much

I had a dog named Roxie that I adopted. She she went with me everywhere and slept at the foot of my bed. She had cancer and one morning she never woke up. I was devastated. One of my neighbors helped me bury her.
A sheriff told me about a dog at their animal rescue dept . I went right away so it could help me to get over the loss of my Roxie.
As soon as I saw Bear she took to me. The sheriff did a background check on me. He called me a few days later and told me " come get your new choc lab!" I went right over and she was on leash in the station, waiting to go. They did all her shots and told me the name they called her. It was Karen! Ha ha! -- that's my moms name!
Bear jumped in my van and sat in the seat Roxie loved. She has been my bud ever since. She is always at my side and takes care of me. It seems she knows I have health issues and walks me every morning. So when she has any health problems, I take care of her right away. After seeing what happened to Roxie, I make sure bear is comfortable. Life is short for these friends I we have that do everything to make us happy, so I return it with everything and anything they need.
Oh and Bear is 5yrs old, I adopted her at 8 months. She loves to swim, run, and play catch with her Kong ball. If you say the word "truck" she will go nuts and mow everyone over just to get to the truck so she can stick her head out the window and howl at fire trucks and police sirens. She's the funniest dog I ever had. She tilts her head all the time when people are talking, like she knows everything we are talking about.
Oh yeah, I named her Bear cuz she hugs and plays like one. She's a strong dog, plus being brown!
Thanks for being there,
Terry & Bear